The model can be run with the default set up and takes about one minute to run.


Farm dimension
Environmental drivers
Cultivated species stocks


Results are produced for:
People (TPP total production in total fresh weight of cultivated animal, APP Average Physical Product )
Profit (Income in product and nutrient credit, gross profit)
Planet (Chlorophyll concentration, Nitrogen removal, population equivalent, organic detritus removal, ASSETS score)

Saving and loading a model

The values you enter as inputs may be saved for future use. After you define the inputs, run the model to see the results. Then write your chosen model name in the Save model box and click the disk icon.
To load a previously saved model, choose it from the Open a model box. Models are saved on your computer (as cookies); this means that if cookies are disabled you will not be able to use this feature, and also that you will not be able to retrieve models saved on another machine.

Model run

FARM uses different weight classes;
The maximum modelling period is 3 years;